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Mexican Beauty, 2014

stills from the video El Dios no conocido, 2014

«Sculpture is not private property, it's a cultural manifestation, individual and collective, it's a communication process between creators and society, between artist and audience, an encounter where space takes the leading role.»

Agustín Hernández


Installation view of Mexican Beauty at Proyectos Monclova, Septembre 2014

Video installation El Dios no conocido, 2014

Video Installation El Dios no conocido, 2014

Estela I, II, and III, 2014

Laser engraving on aluminum

200 x 12 x 12 cm each


«To imagine a new art, old art has to be destroy. And therefore the new art seems a sort of iconoclasm. For every construction is made of ruins and there is nothing new in this world, but forms. But we must destroy the forms.»

Marcel Schwob. The book of Monelle, 1983


detail from Estela I, 2014

Documentation of the performatic conference at Taller de arquitectura de Agustín Hernández

Septembre 2014

Documentation of the performatic conference at Taller de arquitectura de Agustín Hernández

Septembre 2014

© Gabriel Rosas Alemán, 2021

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